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Interactive Grade Level Guide
Explore the Interactive Grade Level Guides for a book-by-book tour of each grade level!
Home > Seventh Grade
Seventh Grade

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E-BOOK: Writing Workshop IV
E-BOOK: Ticket to Shakespeare Workshop
A Catholic Garden of Puzzles
Catholic Report Card
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“This is our first year homeschooling grades 7, 5, and 2. We LOVE CHC materials! The content is beautifully Catholic, fun, and manageable. We especially love science - there are some really fun, easy experiments to do. My 7th grader dissected a frog and my 5th grader dissected an animal heart! There is always a Godly element incorporated into lessons and a pro-life view which is amazing in the older grades - I never saw that in our Catholic school! We are learning things on a daily basis that they would never learn in public or private school (and they've been to both!) I love the Reading Comprehension for my 5th and 7th graders. My 7th grader is learning about the lives of the saints, and my 5th grader loves the books she is reading from GK Chesterton and CS Lewis among others - such quality literature - again, they wouldn't be reading these at school! The daily lessons were awesome when we started out, definitely kept us on track and lifted a weight off my shoulders...but now that we're halfway through the year, we can be flexible with them and tailor to our schedule or abilities. My four year old sees his big sisters hard at work and he wants to do it too, so we've been doing the I Can Find Letters and Numbers. We are already looking at next year's materials for all the kids and we're super excited to dive in! I really can't say enough about this curriculum.”
- Sarah, Buffalo, NY
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