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Question: I have known for years that I would homeschool my children, and have figured that with my education and background, I would likely write almost all of my own curriculum. From what I have heard of CHC, I will likely utilize a combination of both methods, as this seems the most flexible and orthodox. I am looking forward to homeschooling my son, indeed I work at home now, running a family day care, so that I am with him in the way a mother should be - in a loving, stable, devoutly Catholic atmosphere. I am however, a single mother, his father having walked out before he was born. I am wondering if you have any resources, advice, or other direction I should take when it comes to homeschooling in this type of situation - combining homeschooling, with having to financially provide for our tiny family as well. I want to be prepared when the time comes to "officially" start, though we are looking forward to starting CHC's preschool/kindergarten program possibly next year, extending it over the course of three years. I look forward to hearing if you know of any resources or other support for single Catholic homeschooling mothers. Thank you and God bless!

Dear Mom,

Your very sincere letter speaks to the heart of the sorrow faced by many 'tiny families' that are struggling with the very real burdens of single parenthood. I am uplifted and encouraged by your obvious and holy dedication to the needs of your son. It is certainly a great blessing that you are striving to maintain a stable and peaceful home for this precious child. It is my belief that the Lord will indeed honor this desire and will empower you and inspire you along the way.

I think that the best course of action at this time in your life is to continue to pray to know the will of the Father, the courage to do as you believe the Father wills and the peace that is only known through complete docility as you journey. Jesus wants to provide you with the resources and the persons that will aid and comfort you along the way. Put the needs of your tiny family first in the hands of the Lord. I admire you very much.

I would think that the tentative plan that you have formulated is doable. My advice would be to keep your life simple and concentrate on the basic skills that are so much an integral part of the learning experience. Read to your little boy daily and expose him to experiences (the zoo, museums and the library etc.) that will help him to appreciate the beauty and the wonder of life. Realize that though these experiences are blessings and wonderful opportunities nothing can take the place of a parent who cares deeply for the real needs of a child and steps forward to meet those needs. Time spent with you is priceless and worthy.

There are many parents that are traveling the same journey. You are not alone. Perhaps you can speak first with your parish priest and ask him for ideas about the support groups that you are seeking. Many times support comes from the most unlikely sources. Keep praying and the Lord will put people in your path that will serve to uplift and encourage.

Again I admire you and would pray that all children can have the benefit of a parent that cares so deeply for them. What a holy witness you are. Thank you for your letter. You will be in my daily prayers.

Let us pray together a Hail Mary this evening and ask the dear Blessed Mother to watch over and guard all the 'tiny families' of the world. Jesus, we ask that You give our dear sister in Christ the peace that passes all human understanding as she works to provide for her dear child. Bless her efforts, keep her healthy and capable to do the work necessary. Amen.

Sending out a prayer,

Rita Munn

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