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Question: I use your materials for my son who I homeschool however I am writing about my 12 year old girl in 6th grade. I am wanting to order a book from you on lying and the importance of being truthful to your parents. My daughter has a habit of lying and being disobedient. Can you suggest a book on telling the truth? You have many different materials. Thank you.

Dear Mom,

A few book suggestions come to mind that address telling the truth and being obedient.  Since I do not know the age of your son I am uncertain if you have already purchased the following literature.  However, any of these books are a great place to begin.  

Rare Catholic Stories is fourth grade level, but can be read by older children because it challenges readers.  It contains several outstanding stories about the virtues of honesty and obedience.  It will take you and your daughter a little while to follow the old fashioned language, but it's a great find.  The Little Apostle on Crutches is third grade level, but absolutely marvelous for any age group.  You and your daughter will fall in love with the little boy in this classic. He is a beautiful example for all children.  He works hard, obeys his mother, tells the truth, and always asks for forgiveness when he makes human mistakes.  My eleven year old daughter can be a tough one, and she couldn't get enough of the "little apostle."  

If your son is closer to second or third grade perhaps you can encourage your twelve year old to read the Devotional Stories series with him.  Again, my eleven year old reads quite a few of these stories with her younger brother, and they have wonderful examples about obedience and honesty.  My daughter pretends that she is bored with these lovely stories, and tells me that she doesn't want to read them with her siblings.  But, I often catch her with Devotional Stories for Little Folks Too, reading it all by herself, some afternoons.

Two other suggestions can be found in the middle school materials part of our catalog.  The Virtue Tree is about "growing in the virtues of Jesus . . . a practical course to encourage growth in virtue."  I have heard several moms suggest this literature to other CHC moms.  The Virtue Tree is part of the middle school lesson plans so if your son is younger than your daughter you may not have this literature purchased.  However, if you plan on continuing CHC with your son it will be a very useful guide for him in the future.  Finally, the Pilgrims of the Holy Family will encourage your daughter to earn badges for life skills and character development, and might be a great self esteem booster for her.  It costs about nineteen dollars.

A few final thoughts on lying and disobedience.  As I mentioned, I have an eleven year old daughter.  She came out of the womb, fresh from God, full of spunk!  She has always challenged me.  I don't pretend to be an expert, but I remember a few words from a Catholic parenting expert.  He reminded me that all children lie, especially around the age of our daughters.  Sometimes we catch them and sometimes we don't, but a simple consequence without a lot of words, when we know they are lying is enough. My husband reminds me to keep it simple, as well, because I have a tendency, like many moms, to lecture until I am blue in the face.  These lectures shame my daughter and make her even more defensive.  The times that I have kept it simple, and walked away with a quiet consequence, are the times my daughter has come back to me to tell the truth.

That being said, I believe you are wise to look into some good Catholic literature to encourage obedience and truth telling. I pray my suggestions will help, and that we are both patient with our pre-teens as we all try to get a little closer to being like Christ and His mother Mary.

Blessings to you and yours,

Julia Johnson

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