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Welcome to our category list for Family Life. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Family Life. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
My husband does not support me in the faith... My husband and I have been discerning whether we should move or not...
Can you tell us a little about the basis for the Devotional Stories series? Is it proper to put the statues in our bedrooms?
What do I do when I feel God is not there for me? I feel like I can't homeschool anymore unless Dad is going to get involved....
Have other moms put their children in school and then returned to homeschooling? My oldest has expressed an interest in sports...
I have a third grade little girl who is very difficult to homeschool.... Daily prayers and the family Rosary...
We have had a very difficult summer this year with many changes.... Our homeschooling efforts have left much to be desired...
How to manage homeschooling with twin infants? Should we move?
How do you divide up your housework? My five year old does not want to be homeschooled...
We just found out that we are expecting our sixth child...... My teen-aged daughter does not want to marry or enter religious life...
Keeping the 2 year old busy while working with the older one... Catholic upbringing within the family home...
Our concern about homeschooling is becoming a one-income family... The house is driving me crazy...
I'm having an extremely hard time determining whether or not to homeschool my daughter for another year... Guiding children as they become young adults...
How do I fit it all in? My 8th grade son has had trouble in public school all year...
Lack of time... Am I being too protective of my children?
Having to work outside the home... After our second child was born (and just before entering the Church), I had a Tubal ligation...
How do you monitor the use of computer time with children? Mixed marriage with a non-religious spouse...
We are trying to discern a situation involving sports for our older children... How much do you schedule children's "free time"?
My daughter has decided it is okay to sneak and lie... Maybe I am not homeschooling for the right reasons...
I am struggling with getting more structure to our days... I have been reading a lot about homeschooling but I know my husband would not hear of me quitting my job...
Do you have any suggestions for extra curricular activities? Looking for guidance in finding balance in family life...
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