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Welcome to our category list for Family Life. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Family Life. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Neighborhood children... We are having difficulty finding safe social activities...
I am always racing the clock... This year our finances are very bad...
I am feeling burnt out being around my kids everyday... I wrote to you several weeks ago concerning homeschooling, my soap business and my broken foot and getting it all done...
The children's father has decided to move out... God called us to homeschool quite a while ago, but two years ago I developed a chronic illness...
How do I treat my children better when under enormous stress? How did you come to the decision to be TV free?
My son is so unhappy at this moment in his life!... What would you do if this were your teenage daughter?
My son has a nasty and lazy attitude that needs "fixing"!... Should I put the kids in school because I have grown weak in the area of discipline?
How do I create "space" out of a small living space? My oldest daughter has become very rebellious and hateful...
Where is the balance between sheltering our children and preparing them for the "real world"? How do you handle a major move to another state, away from a large and loving family?
Marian standards of modesty... What is the best way to deal with a lying child?
Questions about family size... Any suggestions on gaining support in your parish for homeschooling?
Is mean behavior inherent in boys? Should I worry about the future in regards to over-protecting my children?
How do you manage financially with such a large family? How do I stay focused when there is so much claiming my attention?
My seven year old is so selfish and I'm getting discouraged about his attitude.... My children won't listen to me!...
My restless dissatisfaction is growing!... How do I deal with defiance and disobedience?
What to do about a bright child who gets easily frustrated and "explodes"? The question of cheating...
Help! I need tips on how to stop my children's bickering with each other.... Finances are tight - what do I cut?
How do I balance sports with everything else on my plate? 
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