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Home > Support > CHC Approach
Welcome to our category list for CHC Approach. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with CHC Approach. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Coordinating Several Lesson Plans... My daughter is mildly dyslexic...
Interested in the classical method... Switching to CHC High School of Your Dreams...
Grading my students' papers... I am noticing that my children are taking after me in the way I hold a pencil and write...
I am wondering how long I should have my children read aloud to me... Finding the right spelling level for my daughter...
What would you suggest for an 8th grader who hasn't studied grammar? CHC for non-Catholics...
Readiness for 2nd grade work... A son with ADHD & dysgraphia...
Using CHC materials... Workbooks and hands-on activities!...
How do you find peace with your homeschooling choices? Are CHC's materials thorough?
Difficulty with spelling... Homeschooling in math...
What do I do for holidays? I am concerned that my 1st grader may not be on track...
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