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Welcome to our category list for Teaching the Faith. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Teaching the Faith. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Books or curricula for young toddlers... I am the wife of a wonderful Protestant man...
We say 1 decade of the rosary during our school time almost daily... My ninth-grade son has ceased attending most church activities...
How will my children make their sacraments? Supplementing catechism lessons taught at Catholic school...
Teaching children the value of the Mass... I have heard a lot about a family altar......
What is the importance of women wearing the veil in Mass? How can I get my daughter to be respectful during prayer time?
Any suggestions for a great group of moms who always seek the power of prayer? I would like a book that combines Catholic teaching regarding marriage and respect for life with a bit more biology...
How many days a week should you study catechism and religion? How can I make my confessions more spiritual?
I am writing out of concern...We are not attending Mass... How do you deal with a parish that would deny sacraments to a child on the basis that he/she doesn't attend CCD classes?
Our pastor feels strongly that all homeschooled children must go through the parish's program for Confirmation preparation... Is it possible to educate our child surrounded by a faith her parents are just learning?
I just don't have the joy you seem to have in our Catholic Faith. I would like to have that joy.... I am concerned about the persistence of "mature" behaviors I see in our first grader....
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