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Welcome to our category list for Curricula. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Curricula. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Accelerated Pace... Beginning homeschooling with Little Stories for Little Folks...
Catholic Heritage Handwriting... Spelling and Grammar placement...
Tip for teaching grammar... Considering Home Schooling...
How does Little Stories for Little Folks compare to other phonics based programs? My 13-year-old daughter is dyslexic...
Bigger Stories for Little Folks... Are mid-terms and finals required for 7th and 8th graders?
Standardized tests and ADHD? Reading skills...
Question about the history program...... Having trouble motivating student to write...
How to use math flash cards....... Where to begin in Little Stories for Little Folks?
Catholic Heritage Handwriting... I will begin homeschooling...
What grade should I start with? Penmanship for a 'lefty'...
Tests for Language of God... Should I skip manuscript and teach cursive first, or are there reasons that manuscript comes first?
My child is struggling with spelling.... My student is struggling with reading...
Preparing for 1st grade!... I am all set to switch to CHC next year...
I really would like some guidance on your approach... Finding an encyclopedia set...
Does CHC offer all the subjects my child needs to know to be well educated? Where do I place my daughter?
Working with an avid reader... How can I tailor the lesson plans to fit an advanced child?
Can you tell us a bit about the Catholic Heritage Handwriting series? My child is reading well below grade level. Can I still move her ahead in her other subjects, even if she isn't reading well?
Finishing Speller B... Finding the right grade...
Going on in the program... Readiness for Kindergarten...
How well does mixing other programs with CHC materials work? My child struggles with reading....
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