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Welcome to our category list for Curricula. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Curricula. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Teaching reading and phonetic symbols... Correcting Children's Writing Assignments...
How do I know which book to choose for appropriate placement level? CHC's Lesson Plans...
CHC's lesson plans... If we switch to CHC, do we have to do the whole package?
I've heard a lot of positive comment about your Language of God grammar program, but wonder if it is enough for grammar and writing? Our son was reading so well after Level 2 in Little Stories for Little Folks that we never finished the series, but went on to regular books. Is that OK?
We used a different phonics program for kindergarten. Can we go right into Little Stories for Little Folks for first grade? Do I need to add a phonics workbook for extra practice, or is CHC's reading program a complete phonics program?
Our second grader is having trouble reading Devotional Stories for Little Folks. Do you have any other readers that are easier? Our 6 yr. old daughter has a language disorder. I'm just needing some fresh new ideas on how I can help her....
What are some good, easy to understand resources for working with ADHD children in a homeschooling environment? Have you ever changed books altogether in order to provide a "not-so-rigid" curriculum for your kids?
There is no way we could afford all the first grade materials. Do you have any advice for me? I am wondering how to choose what grade to start my youngest in....
My daughter doesn't enjoy reading all that much. What is your recommendation on reading in general? There are so many wonderful materials available for homeschoolers! How do you narrow the choices?
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