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Welcome to our category list for Homeschooling. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Homeschooling. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Finding the right amount of time for homeschooling elementary ages... Focusing Your Child's Attention...
My 10-year-old is still struggling to read... Feeling Behind in Academics...
Supplies for the First Year... Recording Hours for High School...
Switching from home school to public school... Work in education or resign to home school...
Supporting a Community Co-op... Autism and Reading...
I have an 11-year-old son who has apraxia of speech... Dyslexia suggestions...
High School at Home or Not? Socialization...
Private Catholic School vs. Homeschool... Pre-reading: making the jump to reading words...
I have a 9-year-old son who has ADHD... Writing Numbers Backwards...
Daily Battles over Completing Schoolwork... Recent adoption of a 15 year old boy...
Working through books at an accelerated pace... Home schooling one child...
Setting expectations and consequences for not listening... Homeschooling on the Horizon...
Preparing High Schoolers for College... A List of Reading Classics...
Can I use part of your curriculum and make up the rest on my own... Not Meeting Expectations...
We have moved and starting later than most... When and how we teach preschool...
Non-Catholic Network and Co-ops... Underachievement and a Negative Attitude...
An Overwhelmed Mom with Baby Number Seven on the Way... Creating a Homeschool Schedule...
How do I know if my child is truly struggling with his schoolwork or just being lazy? Home schooling and ADHD...
Deciding between a charter school and home school... Feeling a lack of support...
How long should home schooling take for elementary aged children... Home schooling for part of a semester...
I want to take all of my son's interests and weaknesses and develop a curriculum that will address both... Precocious three-year-old daughter...
Determining grade levels... Adjusting Curriculum...
Home schooling a special needs child... Reassurance...
Starting a Co-op... My 15yo does not like to read and spells at a 3rd grade level...
Home Schooling with Medical Challenges... Home Schooling a Large Family...
Considering Home Schooling... Daughter wants to attend parish school...
Handwriting Skills... What is the average amount of time during the day that should be spent homeschooling?
My greatest difficulty is worrying about giving my children the best education possible... How quickly can my bright children advance through the grades?
Help with a reluctant math student... Language arts for a gifted, special needs child...
Will homeschooling work for us? When to begin pre-school...
Where do we start with our adopted daughter? I am pretty sure my son has ADD...
My 13-year old was born with Down syndrome... How are co-op's typically conducted?
I am seriously considering homeschooling... We can't keep taking him in and out of school...
Can I jump into a curriculum now that we are 6 weeks into the school year... How can I help my 7 year old with his reading...
My son is burned out with learning... How far back do we go?
I worry about someone accussing me of not schooling my children... I am not completely sure if this is my calling...
How do I teach while taking care of the newborn... I have been researching homeschooling...
I would like to introduce my son to quiet time with the Lord... The boys give me various challenges...
I would like to attempt to teach the three of them together... My older son has ADD......
Local homeschool groups... 9-year-old son does not seem to be able to concentrate...
I would like to begin homeschooling my 4-year-old daughter, but I am expecting my fourth child in October... My concern is keeping my one and three year old occupied for the hours that I need to teach...
I thought I might try using some of your materials to do "summer homeschool"... This is going to be my daughters first year as a homeshooler...
Will my kids be learning everything that they need to learn with CHC... I have a daughter whom I adopted from India 2 years ago....
I am feeling inclined to skip the first grade curriculum... My 9 year-old grandchild is struggling with a reading disability...
I have felt called to homeschool... Our 12-year-old son is "gifted"...
I want to thank you... After several years of discussing homeschooling, we have finally come to the decision to homeschool...
State testing........ I desire very strongly to homeschool my children...
I have just taken my 1st grader and 3rd grader out of public school... I am afraid that I cannot handle the stress...
Transitioning into homeschooling........ My oldest says he does not want to be homeschooled...
We are considering putting our 3rd grade daughter back in public school... My son has dyslexia...
I don't know where to start with the whole process of homeschooling... This year all of my daughter's friends are returning to public school...
Where to start........ Readiness for kindergarten...
Is missing friends a reason to return to school? Beginning in the middle of the school year....
Where to begin preschool... I know that my husband leans toward sending the children to school...
My 3 1/2 year old son has Down syndrome... My 12 year old does not like to read...
When my husband and I got married we had always pictured our children being homeschooled... I am praying that my husband and I will meet a good, devout, Catholic homeschooling family...
I have been prayerfully considering homeschooling for many years now... My oldest boy is extremely bored and strongly wants to return to the public school....
I know a lot of Catholic homeschool families who are using charter schools and also use Protestant materials.... I am curious about the actual dynamic of a typical day for homeschooling...
I am feeling very isolated... At what age do you look for a learning disability?
I work from home, at least 30 hours per week... I want to start homeschooling my daughter, but she does not want to....
Motivational techniques for my 12 year old... Grading...
My daughter was diagnosed last year with ocd... What goes in a portfolio?
Are other grandmothers homeschooling? Our 13-year-old adopted daughter resists work...
Our granddaughter wants to try out Public School... How do I keep my toddlers occupied during school?
I worry that I will not provide for my children as well as the school... Do you know others who have tried schools for a while then returned to homeschooling?
Battling illness while homeschooling... Although I am home with my kids I feel like I am missing out on just "being with them"...
Socialization... I don't want to rob my daughter of a year of her childhood by pushing her into schooling sooner than necessary...
I feel a little overwhelmed, I do not know where to begin... Testing and Assessment...
Overseeing children's independent reading... I have serious doubts about my ability to homeschool at this time...
We would like to homeschool our older children but we are meeting resistance from my older son... Asperger's Syndrome...
Homeschooling a special needs child... Will homeschooling be an isolating experience for an only child?
Where do I begin if we start High School of Your Dreams part way through our high school years? My daughter has asked to go to the Catholic elementary school...
How do you effectively supplement a public education with Catholic homeschool materials? Both of my children are mildly autistic...
Any ideas to help my son be motivated? When to start pre-school?
How do I get started homeschooling? How to approach homeschooling so that the children will thrive and be happy?
Motivational techniques... I am feeling more and more like we need to become a homeschooling family again...
Juggling teaching with keeping a 2 year old busy... I have been considering homeschooling for quite some time now...
I have been homeschooling my two boys at the same grade level... My six-year old daughter has always loved doing "schoolwork" but now...
My daughter doesn't like to be given directions... Although I love being a teacher, I long to spend all day with my children...
I really would like to homeschool my son... Becoming the Independent Learner...
Step-mothers homeschooling their step-children... Teaching a son with Down's Syndrome...
How do I know which level to start with? Starting mid-year...
My 9th grade son has Asperger's Syndrome and struggles socially... Can CHC meet the needs of my son's learning disability?
Beginning the school year... My husband wants our little one to start first grade next year at a school...
Under pressure from the principal of a Catholic school... What grading system to use?
Teacher to teacher tips... I'm noticing a growing tendency in our homeschool group that there is a "right" and a "wrong" way to homeschool......
It's like pulling teeth some days to get work out of my daughter... I feel like a failure at homeschooling...
Establishing a daily routine... Beginning kindergarten...
How do I balance 4 children homeschooling while trying to keep a toddler quiet and busy? I have decided to homeschool. Where do I go from here?
I had no idea there was such a thing as Catholic Homeschooling until I stumbled across it online... My 4-1/2 year old daughter is advanced for her age...
My son really lacks motivation... Combining two programs...
I will be using [a secular pre-packaged] program this year... Readiness for preschool...
My "almost" 7 year old is very much behind in school... My daughter tells me everything is too hard and she wants to go to "real" school....
My 11 year old boy that is Asperger's Autistic has recently become aware of his differences... Is there a time when you know you shouldn't homeschool?
Is there a time when you know you shouldn't homeschool? [continued] Any advice for a wife of an anti-homeschooling husband?
Do you dispose or keep all the paperwork after every school year? My older son would like to specialize in computer animation and videography...
The Independent Learner... Depression...
Is it OK to leave the home to homeschool? My 8 year old daughter flat out refuses to do any homework...
Today in the mail I received my daughters' California Achievement Test results... Homeschooling an only child...
I am feeling a bit scared about notifying the superintendent about our homeschooling... I really do not know where to begin...
I do not have a college degree and feel that I might not be smart enough to teach my children... We have struggled with homeschooling over these past two years for many reasons...
Do you have any advice to help with a boy who takes forever on his schoolwork? After about 5 years of thinking about homeschooling we have finally discerned that it is God's will for us...
Organization... Fostering independence...
Skipping Kindergarten... I am new to homeschooling, should I go with a structured pre-package format for high school?
I am considering homeschooling next year, but fear that I will not be supporting the Catholic school... Teaching style...
I am feeling disillusioned with my local Catholic homeschooling support group... Reading at an early level...
How do I convince someone that homeschooling is not against Church teaching? How do I handle negative feedback or surprised responses from family?
Does every new homeschooling mom feel this way? Homeschooling highschool...
My son has difficulty in formulating the right words to say when he talks... Public high school or not!...
We homeschooled last year through a local charter school... My child is clamoring to attend either public or private high school. I don't know which way to turn....
My daughter wants to go to high school and have that experience.... What priorities did you set when you were having babies while schooling the older ones?
It seems everyone got along better last year when they were in Catholic school. Any advice? How do you balance schooling and home life?
Can you help me get started with homeschooling my 13 year old son? I'm feeling burned out . . . so where do I go from here?
How do I keep on track with an energetic toddler? She is unstoppable. I wonder if I am just being lazy, or maybe I am not cut out for homeschooling, but sending the children to public or Catholic school is not an option either!...
If I homeschool will they miss the classroom interaction with other children? Will they be bored at home? How will we get through the days? How come I was called to homeschool with so many interruptions and extra people coming in and out along with extra children throughout the day?
We tried homeschooling last year and I just didn't think I could do it anymore!... My younger two sons are begging me to homsechool them, but my husband thinks that the kids will not get a good education at home....
I feel surrounded by those who need help... How do I fulfill my son's needs for interacting with other children?
I am considering homeschooling, but wonder if my children will be mature enough holistically for highschool and college.... I worry about taking my 11 year old away from her friends and the social aspect of going to school....
Have you ever tested your children (given standardized tests, that is)? Do you think it is important? How much time should you spend teaching your children while homeschooling?
Could you walk through a typical day of homeschooling several children, along with small children? I am at a loss for a way to help my 13-year-old with math....
The world of educating older children. . . .... What can I do with my youngest children when I'm trying to work with my 5 year old and high schooler?
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