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Home > Support > Homeschooling > We can't keep taking him in and out of school...
Question: We homeschooled my oldest son last year for Kindergarten using a different program, and we struggled. We felt our home was not a domestic church but rather chaos. My oldest son is the leader in our home and when we were doing school the other 2 boys did everything they could think of to disrupt and get our attention. I tried having special toys for them to use during school time and also doing school during naps but this didn't seem to help. We gave up after praying a novena to St. Jude because we felt that we were hopeless cases. Initially I was comfortable in our decision to send our oldest to the public school for 1st grade, but now I have my doubts AGAIN! He spends so much time in a classroom and then brings home lots of homework. I recently heard a homily on our kids spending so much time in the books that they have no time for being children and that we are killing the very spirit that God has given them. My husband is trying to be understanding, but we can't keep taking him in and out of school, and I agree. I want holiness for our family. Please help me! Please pray for me!

Dear Mom,

Bless your heart. I sense that this issue is more of a challenge for you than you are able to express. Let me ask you a question. What would you do if you were convinced that public school was the best place for your child and he began to have issues related to discipline? I am certain that you would handle these issues as they are standing in the way of his having a successful school year. Hold that thought.

Your homeschool experience was a challenge due to discipline issues. Not so much with your school aged child but with the other children. Remember that homeschooling is a lifestyle and in such it is necessary that the rhythm of the home must change. The question that you have to ask yourself is, ' Am I willing to address the issues that are making homeschooling not possible for my family situation?' If the answer to that question is 'yes', then attack the challenge from that standpoint.

If however you feel that you are not called into the homeschooling lifestyle then remain steadfast in your choice to use public school, knowing that you are going to face challenges there as well. It is true that children today are being robbed of the carefree attitude that used to center the younger grades. It is interesting to note that in ancient Rome, children were not formally schooled until they reached middle school or beyond. In fact the Latin word for school directed to young children is Ludus (play). It is amazing that ancient people understood this concept better than us.

Go forward first into what you believe is the will of the Lord for your family. The Lord has promised His aid during times of challenge, if we will but call on Him. We are promised the strength of His strength within us. Pray to discern the will of the Lord and everything will fall into place.

I admire you very much and I will be praying for you each during those times that I am walking and praying the rosary. I pray for moms on the 4th Glorious mystery.

Let us offer up our prayers for those moms who are faced with difficult challenges that require them to be separated from their dear children.

Sending out a prayer,

Rita Munn

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