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I am planning to purchase your 4th grade program for my 9 year old son. We love the relaxed but thorough materials. My son will be doing 4th grade for everything but Math - he will be doing 5th grade. Is this a problem (the lesson plans will be for 4th grade Math)? Just a side note, I found you on the Love2learn web site and I must say, you program is just what I have been looking for. Before we started school my son loved to learn. We brought good computer games that taught math, etc and I read to him all the time, about everything. Now that we have done school - and pretty much we have done school at home - he hates it! He doesn't want to do it, and rushes through everything. I prayed for something like your program. We love going to daily Mass, but we have to do school, so we missed it a lot. I would like to thank you for all your work and God bless you for all the help you give people.


Dear Parent,

Thank you for your question! 

In the 5th grade lesson plans, the suggested plan in math is for the student to accomplish one Saxon math lesson per day.   Therefore, in the 4th grade lesson plans, you can simply substitute one math lesson per day from the 5th grade Saxon math book.  If your son progresses more quickly or slowly through each lesson, you can easily divide the lesson into sections, or continue on at a faster pace.  Just do whatever you and your son feel comfortable accomplishing.     

I am glad that you are happy with CHC's materials. Know that you and your family are in our prayers,

Laura Nicholson 

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