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Home > Support > Homeschooling > My oldest says he does not want to be homeschooled...
Question: My oldest says he does not want to be homeschooled. We struggle everyday. We argue. I'm not sure if he's just testing me or if he's truly miserable. I'm at the end of my rope and am just about ready to give up homeschooling. Instead of making our family closer, it seems as though all we do is argue and fight about homeschooling. I'm not sure if he'd be miserable if I sent him somewhere or if that would be a better fit for our family. How do you know when it's just not working? I'm stressed, he's miserable. I feel like homeschooling is doing more harm than good. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to add that during the last three years that we've homeschooled, we've lived through my husband's overseas deployment, lost our house to foreclosure and have relocated. I have never felt like we've established a good routine. Maybe that would help? Whenever I say we're going to do school, I get the commentary and complaints....

Dear Mom,

God love you and bless your heart. You have been through the mill with challenges and sorrows. Any one of the family crisis that you have mentioned would be more than plenty to put most of us over the edge. I admire you very much and want you to know that you are in my daily prayers. I will give you my opinion on the question that you have asked in hopes that it may offer some help, however it is obvious to me that you are a woman of great faith and in that you are strengthened and uplifted by the Lord each step of the way.

I would examine very carefully the method of homeschooling that you are now employing. Young children the age of your son usually do not feel quite as negatively about homeschooling unless there are other factors that are pushing them to feel this way. For example you mentioned that you feel that the lack of a routine is bothersome to your ability to have a peaceful homeschooling day. I tend to agree. Many times moms who are feeling that they are falling behind with schedules and routines will find themselves constantly bringing up the need to 'do school' to their children. For the young child this is like being 'chased' around all day with books and discipline. It would probably be better to set aside a set time in the day for school work. The morning hours seem to be the best. For a child the age of your son the schooling day should consist of no more than 2-3 hours. Remember that the most important skill developed at this young age is reading and basic math. All other skills are enrichment and should be considered so.

Many times when a family is experiencing challenges the fall out seems to be reflected in the children's attitudes. I sense that you are a very caring mommy who listens with compassion to your son's arguments about homeschooling. This is wonderful. It could be that what your son is saying to you is that he is 'tired of all the controversy in the house and seeks to see it stop. He wants to go to school in a way as an escape. A certain amount of conflict during times of challenges is unavoidable however your being there for him to talk to and to listen is very important. Do not take his comments about going to public school to heart. He may really be trying to articulate something much deeper.

Step back from the challenges and allow yourself a time of prayer that will help you to refocus your efforts and gain a holy perspective with regard to the challenges that you face. Please spend time in front of the Blessed Sacrament in prayer. Allow the sweet Jesus to embrace you and rest in this embrace as you let the struggles of the day fade away. Nothing happens without the Lord's permission. The Lord's own strength is there for you and in that we have our greatest peace. There is nothing pressing upon you when you rest in the Lord's embrace. If after prayer and careful attention to the simple solutions I have recommended you still feel that Jesus is calling you away from homeschooling to another choice, then rest in the assurance that to follow the will of the Lord is our only goal in this life. For in following the Lord's will we assure ourselves of eternal happiness with Jesus in our Heaven home.

Please rest physically and mentally from all that has burdened you in the past months. Rest well, take time for yourself with walking and quiet prayer time, eat well and concentrate on the great blessing of your children. Enjoy your dear children and allow that they feel the joy of your life as well.

You are a holy woman of faith. The Lord loves you dearly and longs to uplift and empower you every step of the way. Go forward, the best is yet to come.

Let us offer up our prayers this afternoon for all those families that find they must face financial challenges that have the potential to destroy security and peace within the home. We love you Lord and know that there is no challenge that is beyond Your desire to provide care and healing. Amen.

Sending out a prayer,

Rita Munn

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