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Home > Lesson Plans & Resources > Grade-Level Lesson Plans > CHC Lesson Plans: First Grade > Reviews
“I have loved the lesson plans. I use all the resources listed and it makes me so confident to know that I am covering everything that he needs. It is also handy when grandparents poke around to see what we are covering. It was exactly what I needed to help me get started. My son was having severe issues in school. His behavior was causing him to be sent home at least 3 times a week. (He is in first grade.) Since beginning the first grade program through CHC his behavior is incredible. The deeply faith-enriched curriculum has Jesus in his heart all the time. He talks about wanting to make Jesus happy almost every day. He often tells me about things he almost did and then had second thoughts because he wants to be good like Jesus asks us to be. This curriculum has changed his life and the life of our family as a whole.”
- Tracy
“Your lesson plans are so lovely and so inviting. Before the school year started, I really enjoyed sitting down and casually perusing them. There was so much to see and so much to read. It was obvious that a lot of thought went into creating these plans. I loved the 2 page spread, the goals for the week, the shaded "core" subjects, and the room to write down appointments, books read, and extra work, but my favorite part about the lesson plans was the way that all of the subjects were so nicely integrated. I am looking forward to using the 2nd grade plans for my oldest next year, and the pre-school plans with my second child. ”
- Susan, MA
“I spent several hours this weekend poring over the first grade CHC lesson plans. All I can say is WOW! I can't recommend them highly enough! The academic content is wonderful, but what I like best is that our Faith is incorporated into just about every subject every day, which is what our homeschool is all about!”
- Teresa
“Thank you for your beautiful materials! I purchased a few of your books and started our school year. A few weeks into our schooling I felt that I needed more direction, so I decided to purchase a 1st grade lesson plan. WOW, what a difference. I realized I was spending a good deal of my time planning when your curriculum is just what I needed. Next year I will be purchasing a lesson plan for all 3 of my children instead of spending all of my time planning.”
- Chris
“I wish we had just started with a simple CATHOLIC program like Little Stories, and moved on from there. I'm shelving [other program] next year in favor of CHC's First Grade Lesson Plans and curriculum. Sometimes simpler is just better.”
- J.M.
“[During testing] my first grader demonstrated skills well into the third grade level for English and into the second grade for Math! This indeed is a testimony of the success of the CHC curriculum! I knew my son was doing well with the CHC reading program, but I did not realize how "advanced" he was, and moreover, I was elated to discover that he was doing better than his expected grade level in Math also. Clearly, the CHC reading and even the Math program served us well. I am very, very pleased with CHC and the support that I have received thus far. I would highly recommend CHC to anyone looking for an effective homeschooling program. Thank you for your help and prayers.”
“I honestly don't know what I would do without CHC! I've taught two children to read with you and I'll be teaching my third this year. My children absolutely love every single subject that they have with you, and we buy the core curriculum! You have put every subject together so beautifully and the lesson plans are so thorough and well thought out that I don't have to plan anything! All I have to do is add a few items to my shopping list for projects or most I already have at home. You are a godsend and God bless you for being there for us. My children's minds are so vulnerable right now and especially in this sinful world the way it is now; I wouldn't trust my precious children to anyone else! Thanks again so much and keep up the good work. P.S. All of the new books look so great! I'm loving learning right along with them. This is the way I wish I'd been taught!”
- Mary, Rhode Island
“I'd like to tell you how pleased our family has been with all your products and customer service. I have made several purchases during this school year and feel your products have helped us through our first year of homeschooling tremendously. I especially like your Lesson Plans for First Grade since it helps keep me on track and provides and incorporates a variety of inspirational ideas for projects throughout the curriculum. Thank you again and may God continue to bless you and family in all that you do. Keep up the good work! :)”
- Rosaria, FL
“I would like to thank you for your wonderful materials. My daughter is almost finished with the 1st Grade materials and they have been a pleasure to use. The whole curriculum has been very manageable and flexible. I'm very glad to be able to use the lesson plans as my record of her studies. I write the date in the box when a lesson is completed/mastered. It also allows me to keep track of attendence at the homeschool co-op, Tae Kwon Do lessons, and books read. It makes a perfect record when completed.”
- Melissa, MN
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