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Welcome to our category list for CHC Approach. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with CHC Approach. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Following the Lesson Plans... Will CHC give my children a renewed interest in learning?
Do you offer help in the form of grading? I am at a loss because I feel that this year was a waste...
My Father's World and CHC... Promoting a Culture of Life...
Does CHC's lesson plans encourage independency? Does CHC offer grading?
Do you provide transcripts? I've heard a lot about CHC, but wonder how it is different from other homeschool programs....
Help! How can I fit in everything I need to teach my children when we have dentist's appointments, soccer practice, and a new baby? I am wary of plans that are overstructured. Can you give me an idea of CHC's approach?
I love how CHC integrates the Faith so beautifully, but my husband/wife/relatives/neighbors think I'm just teaching religion and not core subjects.... Does CHC have a special needs program or consultant? If not, how will CHC materials work with my special needs child?
I really need a curriculum to help us learn and live our Faith. Any advice.... My main problem has been a lack of discipline in myself....
How important is it that the grades and report cards come from a "real school" in grade school? I am in the process of discerning whether or not to homeschool. My husband is concerned about them missing out on sports or academic scholarships....
I am looking for a curriculum for the highschool years that will provide the necessary documentation for college entrance.... I am wondering how CHC's materials compare to a pre-packaged curriculum. Do you feel it is important to school through an accredited academy?
I wish I could find a more hands-on, "learning is fun" approach... We have been doing a lot of 'unschooling' and I feel like we need more structure....
Do you find a problem with not being enrolled in a program? How does a homeschooling family that doesn't buy into a prepackaged, tuition loaded program, go about creating an acceptable transcript and obtaining a viable diploma?
Is it important that our children's curriculum be Catholic based? Most of my friends are planning to go with a classical curriculum and/or design their own...
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