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Home > Support > Teaching the Faith
Welcome to our category list for Teaching the Faith. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Teaching the Faith. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
I think my children deserve to have as much knowledge of our wonderful faith as possible yet I'm stumbling... I would like to know your opinion about Halloween and if and how you celebrate....
How do you manage to extend the Christmas holiday until Epiphany? How do I go about setting up a Domestic Altar?
What are some of your favorite projects to do with the children during Lent? I am searching for a service project to do regularly with my small children....
We have gone to 4 different churches and can not find a real Catholic Church!... I have run into some bumps this year with teaching religion....
How do I handle prayers? Do I make my children kneel and pray with me? I am wondering at what age to introduce prayers to end abortion and how to do so....
Should I be concerned about my daughter's lack of interest during family prayer time? Teaching children right from wrong....
Is it okay for the kids to believe in Santa? 
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