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Welcome to our category list for Homeschooling. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Homeschooling. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
I want to take all of my son's interests and weaknesses and develop a curriculum that will address both... Precocious three-year-old daughter...
Determining grade levels... Adjusting Curriculum...
Home schooling a special needs child... Reassurance...
Starting a Co-op... My 15yo does not like to read and spells at a 3rd grade level...
Home Schooling with Medical Challenges... Home Schooling a Large Family...
Considering Home Schooling... Daughter wants to attend parish school...
Handwriting Skills... What is the average amount of time during the day that should be spent homeschooling?
My greatest difficulty is worrying about giving my children the best education possible... How quickly can my bright children advance through the grades?
Help with a reluctant math student... Language arts for a gifted, special needs child...
Will homeschooling work for us? When to begin pre-school...
Where do we start with our adopted daughter? I am pretty sure my son has ADD...
My 13-year old was born with Down syndrome... How are co-op's typically conducted?
I am seriously considering homeschooling... We can't keep taking him in and out of school...
Can I jump into a curriculum now that we are 6 weeks into the school year... How can I help my 7 year old with his reading...
My son is burned out with learning... How far back do we go?
I worry about someone accussing me of not schooling my children... I am not completely sure if this is my calling...
How do I teach while taking care of the newborn... I have been researching homeschooling...
I would like to introduce my son to quiet time with the Lord... The boys give me various challenges...
I would like to attempt to teach the three of them together... My older son has ADD......
Local homeschool groups... 9-year-old son does not seem to be able to concentrate...
I would like to begin homeschooling my 4-year-old daughter, but I am expecting my fourth child in October... My concern is keeping my one and three year old occupied for the hours that I need to teach...
I thought I might try using some of your materials to do "summer homeschool"... This is going to be my daughters first year as a homeshooler...
Will my kids be learning everything that they need to learn with CHC... I have a daughter whom I adopted from India 2 years ago....
I am feeling inclined to skip the first grade curriculum... My 9 year-old grandchild is struggling with a reading disability...
I have felt called to homeschool... Our 12-year-old son is "gifted"...
I want to thank you... After several years of discussing homeschooling, we have finally come to the decision to homeschool...
State testing........ I desire very strongly to homeschool my children...
I have just taken my 1st grader and 3rd grader out of public school... I am afraid that I cannot handle the stress...
Transitioning into homeschooling........ My oldest says he does not want to be homeschooled...
We are considering putting our 3rd grade daughter back in public school... My son has dyslexia...
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