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Welcome to our category list for Curricula. Below are the recently-answered topics dealing with Curricula. Please click on each item to find the complete question and answer.
Phonics and Handwriting... Getting children to do their schoolwork...
Speech Sound Games for Children... Behind in spelling...
Grammar review... Getting past needing to sound out every word when reading...
Preparing a nonreader for 2nd Grade... First grader having trouble with sums over 10...
Move two levels up in both Spelling and Grammar? Handwriting on blank paper vs. lined...
Second or Third Grade Modern Curriculum Press Math... Language of God, Level F...
I have a special needs son who is 12 years old and has the following disabilities... Little Stories for Little Folks flash cards...
Language of God series compared to teaching in a traditional classroom... Skipped doing Language of God grammar last year...
Little Stories for Little Folks for First Grade... Little Stories for Little Folks...
Classic Novels for Early High School... Mature Material in a Classic Novel...
Accelerated Pace... Beginning homeschooling with Little Stories for Little Folks...
Catholic Heritage Handwriting... Spelling and Grammar placement...
Tip for teaching grammar... Considering Home Schooling...
How does Little Stories for Little Folks compare to other phonics based programs? My 13-year-old daughter is dyslexic...
Bigger Stories for Little Folks... Are mid-terms and finals required for 7th and 8th graders?
Standardized tests and ADHD? Reading skills...
Question about the history program...... Having trouble motivating student to write...
How to use math flash cards....... Where to begin in Little Stories for Little Folks?
Catholic Heritage Handwriting... I will begin homeschooling...
What grade should I start with? Penmanship for a 'lefty'...
Tests for Language of God... Should I skip manuscript and teach cursive first, or are there reasons that manuscript comes first?
My child is struggling with spelling.... My student is struggling with reading...
Preparing for 1st grade!... I am all set to switch to CHC next year...
I really would like some guidance on your approach... Finding an encyclopedia set...
Does CHC offer all the subjects my child needs to know to be well educated? Where do I place my daughter?
Working with an avid reader... How can I tailor the lesson plans to fit an advanced child?
Can you tell us a bit about the Catholic Heritage Handwriting series? My child is reading well below grade level. Can I still move her ahead in her other subjects, even if she isn't reading well?
Finishing Speller B... Finding the right grade...
Going on in the program... Readiness for Kindergarten...
How well does mixing other programs with CHC materials work? My child struggles with reading....
Writing and Spelling readiness... Should we drop down a level in spelling?
7th grade son having trouble grasping grammar... Spelling...
Reading readiness... Encyclopedia...
Splitting the school day... Working with my gifted children...
Readiness for preschool... Retention...
Combining History lessons... 7th grader struggling in math...
We are new to dictation this year, and I'm not exactly sure how it works... My daughter did not seem ready for Kindergarten...
Which educational track should I follow for a child who is interested in religious life? My son is interested in veterinary medicine. How do I implement HSYD?
Math placement... Teaching a child with Down Syndrome...
I am struggling with picking a curriculum for next year.... I am being told that if my son gets financial aid for college, he will have to take the GED test...
If we choose a vocational track for high school, are we locked into that track, or courses for that track, through high school? Teaching Phonics...
Is it possible to buy pieces of your materials, without buying the whole program? Teaching Kindergarten...
Reluctant Writers... Do you have any suggestions for modifying High School of Your Dreams for a special needs student?
Math placement... Spelling and phonics, where to begin?
Math program... Which lesson plans to use?
Struggling with reading... How do I account for regional differences in pronunciation when we are teaching spelling?
How can I get my child to slow down and focus better as she reads? Difficulty with math....
Which grammar level? Enrichment program...
Multiplication... Little Stories For Little Folks...
Ready for 1st Grade... Difficulty retaining information...
Improving reading comprehension... Starting the preschool program...
My daughter has a lot of trouble with spelling... I have found my child is lacking in phonics...
Finding time for extra help and combining grades.... Starting 3rd grade...
Homeschooling four children!... Reluctant reader...
Teaching a second language... Spelling...
Which grade to start with? My son is struggling with spelling...
4th grade lesson plans with 5th grade math... Skip Kindergarten...
Seatwork... I am new to homeschooling, should I go with a structured pre-package format for high school?
Are tests available for Language of God and My Catholic Speller? I have been considering using "High School of Your Dreams" but I am concerned...
Spelling or no spelling? Skipping 2nd grade...
Teaching reading and phonetic symbols... Correcting Children's Writing Assignments...
How do I know which book to choose for appropriate placement level? CHC's Lesson Plans...
CHC's lesson plans... If we switch to CHC, do we have to do the whole package?
I've heard a lot of positive comment about your Language of God grammar program, but wonder if it is enough for grammar and writing? Our son was reading so well after Level 2 in Little Stories for Little Folks that we never finished the series, but went on to regular books. Is that OK?
We used a different phonics program for kindergarten. Can we go right into Little Stories for Little Folks for first grade? Do I need to add a phonics workbook for extra practice, or is CHC's reading program a complete phonics program?
Our second grader is having trouble reading Devotional Stories for Little Folks. Do you have any other readers that are easier? Our 6 yr. old daughter has a language disorder. I'm just needing some fresh new ideas on how I can help her....
What are some good, easy to understand resources for working with ADHD children in a homeschooling environment? Have you ever changed books altogether in order to provide a "not-so-rigid" curriculum for your kids?
There is no way we could afford all the first grade materials. Do you have any advice for me? I am wondering how to choose what grade to start my youngest in....
My daughter doesn't enjoy reading all that much. What is your recommendation on reading in general? There are so many wonderful materials available for homeschoolers! How do you narrow the choices?
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